Personal Internet Banking
Access our comprehensive range of financial and investment solutions through Internet anytime, anywhere.
Information technologies are changing our way of living in the new-era, so is web-based financial management. With various e-services channels including personal internet banking, commercial internet banking, mobile banking, phone banking and ATM services, you can handle your finance at ease.
Access our comprehensive range of financial and investment solutions through Internet anytime, anywhere.
Puts all your companies' financial information at your fingertips and takes care of your everyday banking tasks.
Supports iPhone/Android Apps with comprehensive range of banking and securities services.
Securities Trading Services App
Manage your finances at anytime, day or night with our large ATM network.
ICBC(Asia) now launches e-Statement Service of Personal Internet Banking service.
Access HK, Mainland China and overseas ATMs and electronic payment networks.
Register Browse and download e-advice via our personal online banking services, “less paper, better environmental preservation”.
ICBC (Asia) OpenAPI Developer Portal
Manage your banking affairs conveniently and efficiently with the touch of a few buttons, anywhere, day or night.
Offers customers a time-saving alternative to depositing cheque at local branches.
Grasp our bank’s latest news, promotion offers, products and services information.